Pure Perspectives

Insights & Resources


Coaching, Therapy or both?

This quiz is designed to be a fun and thought-provoking experience. While it can offer insights, it's not a substitute for professional advice. Remember, a licensed professional can provide personalized guidance tailored to your unique needs.

1 / 5

When facing challenges, do you tend to:

2 / 5

To address a specific problem, would you prefer:

3 / 5

Are you more interested in:

4 / 5

When seeking support, do you:

5 / 5

Would you consider your current focus to be more on:

Your score is

The average score is 0%


#1. When facing challenges, do you tend to:

#2. To address a specific problem, would you prefer:

#3. Are you more interested in:

#4. When seeking support, do you:

#5. Would you consider your current focus to be more on:





According to a report by Brandon Hall Group, 94% of organizations believe that effective leadership development programs are crucial for success in today's business environment. (Reference: Brandon Hall Group, "State of Leadership Development 2019")
A research study conducted by the Corporate Leadership Council found that organizations with strong leadership development programs are more likely to see improved business outcomes, such as increased revenue, profitability, and employee engagement. (Reference: Corporate Executive Board, "The 21st-Century Leadership Contract")
In a survey by the Conference Board, 77% of CEOs reported that their top priority for future success is developing "soft skills" in leaders, such as communication, collaboration, and empathy. (Reference: The Conference Board, "CEO Challenge 2019")
According to a study conducted by the Training Industry magazine, companies that invest in leadership development programs experience 26% higher revenue growth compared to those who do not. (Reference: Training Industry, "The Value of Training")
A study by Deloitte reported that organizations with strong leadership development programs are 1.5 times more likely to be among the top-performing organizations in their industry. (Reference: Deloitte, "Global Human Capital Trends 2019")
The Association for Talent Development (ATD) released a report stating that organizations with a formal coaching program in place have higher engagement and productivity levels. Additionally, they observed a 70% improvement in work performance compared to organizations without coaching programs. (Reference: Association for Talent Development, "Coaching for Impact")
A survey conducted by the International Coaching Federation (ICF) found that 86% of organizations saw a return on investment in coaching initiatives, with an average return of 7 times the initial investment. (Reference: International Coaching Federation, "Building a Coaching Culture")


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